Would you like to learn more about coaching? Send me a brief message and I'll reach out to you within 24 hours.

Refunds are not available after we've started the coaching process. If you're unable to attend a session, I am happy to reschedule for a more convenient time. However, if there is a life-altering circumstance (death, serious illness, etc.) we will work together to find a solution that works for the both of us.

Are refunds available if I have to stop coaching?

No worries - life happens! We can find a way to make up a session at a different time that works best for you. I kindly ask you that you give me at least a 4 hour notice of your cancellation to I can adjust my schedule accordingly. 

What happens if I can't make a coaching session?

Absolutely! I will not use your personal information, details, or anything we discuss without obtaining your permission first. However, if I determine there are mental health concerns that are beyond the scope of the coaching relationship and outside ability to support, I will connect you with appropriate external resources and professionals.

Do you guarantee the privacy of my information?

Yes. A life coaching agreement is required prior to the start of a new coaching relationship. I do this for several reasons - first, I want all clients to feel that they're getting a high-quality service. I outline, in detail, the structure of our sessions and package so that you can know up-front what you're paying your hard-earned money for. Secondly, an agreement encourages a commitment between the client and the coach to actively engage in the coaching process. Lastly, a contract sets out additional terms and conditions for successful delivery of the life coaching services and results. I use a simple but comprehensive agreement as a foundation for your life coaching experience.

Do I need to sign a life coaching contract or agreement?

Therapy and counseling are a past-focused discipline in which the therapist identifies the reasons for a person's emotions and behaviors and offers a solution to navigate the particular issue(s). Life coaching is a client-centered process where the client guides the discussion and identifies how they'd like to move forward. Rather than providing a direct solution, a coach facilities discussions through powerful questioning to empower the client to reflect and create their own own insight.

How is life coaching different from therapy?

While this is not an exhaustive list, I hope this answers some questions you have about my coaching services. If you have additional questions that you don't see down below, please fill out the contact form above and I'll get back to you within 24 hours.