I’m Zyah, life coach, retired division 1 athlete, first time mama, world traveler, basketball wife, and empath. When people asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up I never had a dream profession or career path in mind. My answer when asked this was always a mom, and that I just wanted to help people and make a difference in the world. That’s all I ever wanted. Growing up I was a people pleaser, bullied all through school, and always thought who I was, was wrong. I had no confidence, I felt lost and alone. I pushed all these feelings down thinking when I finally got to college to be a D1 athlete everything would be fixed. I was wrong, it got even worse. I had to make the hardest decision of my life and retire from my sport for my mental and emotional health.

I chose me but now I had to do the work, figure out what I really wanted in life, who I was, and my WHY. This led me to the best version of myself, someone who is confident, determined and chasing her purpose. Fast forward to present day I’m a mama to a beautiful boy and I’m a life coach specializing in healthy lifestyle and positive mindset. My mission is to inspire people to find their purpose and passion, overcome change and challenges, gain clarity, and obtain confidence. Empowering people to be their best selves is my goal. Reaching your goals starts with small habits, your everyday lifestyle and mindset. I’m here to help you uncover that and find your light to shine in this world.





When Zyah told me she is becoming a Mindset & Lifestyle coach, it just made sense. Knowing her personally, my immediate thought was how this career path is perfect for her. It just makes sense. Zyah is extremely personable. She has the ability to connect with her clients quickly. Zyah is trustworthy, always encouraging, and she works with good value and high integrity. I have been working with her mainly on mindset adjustments. She has given me the guidance I was needing. Zyah has helped me create long-standing personal goals. After each session with her I have left extremely motivated to put those goals into action. I highly recommend Zyah to be your mindset & lifestyle coach so you can break down your walls and become the best you can be. Zyah will get you there!


I worked with Zyah to address some of the challenges I was facing as an adult entering into the “real world”. Zyah helped me work through these issues while supporting me to be the best version of myself. Her constant uplifting attitude as well as her personable approach allowed me to be vulnerable and feel safe. After working with Zyah, I am now able to understand myself better and she has also helped me set goals for the future. I highly recommend working with Zyah if you are looking for not only a coach but an ally and friend.


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